Maximise Your Health & Wellbeing
Life is busy, life is stressful and life changes! Change in physical health, mental health, hormonal changes, family and friends, work, moving home, bereavement, reitrement, can all lead to an altered sense of wellbeing, and often unexpectedly. Sometimes this is in a positive way but more often it can be incredibly challenging.
All different aspects of your life can play a really important role in optimising your health and wellbeing. The good news is that no matter your genetic make up, your starting point or where you currently find yourself, addressing these factors in even a small way can improve your physical, mental and general wellbeing regardless of any medical diagnoses. In some cases, these holistic changes can completely reverse a diagnosis or resolve symptoms, either alongside or sometimes without medications.
Areas of your day to day life that can improve your health and wellbeing include these 6 pillars:
You may find our pages above helpful, as well as links to our metabolic health and lower carb nutrition sites.
Changes in these areas aren't necessarily quick fixes, and may require patience and perseverence over time but even small changes that you can sustain can make significant difference.
What are you currently doing to support your health and wellbeing?
Check out the Resources listed for Metabolic health, help stopping smoking, support with alcohol and drug use and improving your nutrition with our Lower Carb Nutrition Page.
We have pages on cancer screening and other screening programmes including NHS Health Checks. NHS Health Checks are an important way to pick up problems early so they can be addressed.
Hopefully these pages will help you navigate the information you need. If you are unsure or would like more support, your GP surgery reception team can help signpost you to the right person to team to help you.
All adults and children over 4 yrs old should be taking an over-the-counter supplement of 10 mcg (400IU) of Vitamin D in the winter months and consider taking this all year round if they are at higher risk of vitamin D deficiency.
Call 0800 772 3649 or text Quit to 66777 for support to stop smoking. For more information visit
Free and confidential support to anyone living in Hampshire affected by drugs or alcohol use.
Support for family and carers affected by someone else's drug or alcohol use is available here.
One You is the NHS hub for Health & Lifestyle advice with areas for the body and for the mind.
The Green Health Hub is a website run by the New Forest National Park Authority. It has information on local activities e.g. gardening, arts, volunteering, cycling and walking.
We ARE The New Forest! Places to explore...
We are lucky to live in a beautiful part of the country with lots of wonderful walking, running and cycling routes available on both the coast and in the New Forest.
We have started to put together a list of local recommended routes which you can find here.
Also check out our Public Benches Map which also shows the location of car parks and public toilets within our network boundary.
Check out the physical activity page for more ideas of things to do in this wonderful National Park.
Copyright © All Rights Reserved
Deer photography by Matt Roseveare
Website led by Dr Neil Moody-Jones