More Resources Mental Wellbeing

Looking After Your Mental Wellbeing 

The mental health and wellbeing page gives more information on some every day things that can help improve our mental wellbeing.  There are some great resources on there aswell as this page including Italk, Every Mind Matters and Solent Mind.  Take a look by clicking the button below or on the icons on this page.

Young Adults, Adolescents & Children

Kooth: Online Counselling Service for 11 – 25 years (up to 26th birthday) in Hampshire, Southampton and Isle of Wight.  Free, confidential and anonymous.

Counsellors are available from 12noon to 10pm on weekdays and 6pm to 10 pm at weekends, every day of the year on a drop in basis.  Advice and peer support.  No referral required.  Click here for the webiste.  

Healthier Together: Improving the quality of care for children and young people in Wessex.  Resources from across Hampshire, Doreset and the Isle of Wight.  Information on childhood illness and red flags to look out for. Click here then select the Mental Health section.

CAMHS: Hamsphire Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services - helping young people under the age of 18.  Click Here

Chat Health: Health for Teens (11-19). Love your body.  Love yourself.  Click Here. 

It's Your Choice: Empowering young people to make positive life choices  Click Here 

Safety Support 

New Dawn Aurora: Safety, support, advocacy and empowerment to survivors of domestic abuse, sexual violence and stalking Click Here

Yellow Door: Preventing and responding to domestic and sexual abuse.  Supporting indiviudals across Southampton and West Hants.

Helpine Wed 4-7pm 02380636313

Click Here 

Drug & Alcohol Support 

Inclusion (NHS): 

Where to get help: provides a range of services including substance misuse, psychological services and forensic mental health services.

Click Here.  

There are also sections with support for the U25s

and support for family and carers


Rehab 4 Addiction offers modern recovery programmes in Hampshire. Our drug and alcohol rehab are in lovely parts of Hampshire and have modern facilities. They give our patients a quiet place in which to reflect and recover.

All of our Hampshire recovery centres employ expert health workers. They look after patients 24/7, even through the night and at weekends.

Help in a Crisis 

If you or someone you know are feeling in a crisis or depserate for help, these services are availble.   Click on the links for more information

Shout:Free, confidential 24/7 text messaging support service for anyone struggling 

Southern Health in Crisis:


Samaritans: 116123

The Lighthouse, Lymington

Stay Alive: Suicide prevention resoruce if you are having thoughts of suicide or concerned that someone else may be considering suicide 


Hollies: New Forest Wellbeing Centre in New Milton.  Safe spaces to be yourself and get back on track through groups, workshops, activities and 1: 1 emotional support.  Click Here 

Solent Mind/Hollies App: Safe spaces to be yourself and get back on track through groups, workshops, activities and 1: 1 emotional support.  Click Here 

Cruse Bereavement Counselling: "Somewhere to turn when someone dies


Tel: 01202 418555 (local)

Click Here

The Coates Centre at Oakhaven:

Offers free support and information for those whose lives have been impacted by illness.  Wellbeing activities, counselling and complementary therapies to help you cope with challenges in your life. 

Tel: 01590 677198

Click Here 

Relate: "The relationship people" Relationship support for everyone. 

New Forest location: Lyndhurt.

Tel: 02380 229761 or

01962 861336

Click Here

Eating Disorders 

Private Counselling 

Counselling Together:

A christian organisation who see people of all faiths or none.  Professional counselling for men, women and couples.  A confidential service for residents of the New Forest. Click Here.