Other Screening Programmes & Health Checks

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Screening

  • All men invited in the year they turn 65
  • Ultrasound Scan at Lymington Hospital
  • Results by letter, if normal there is no follow-up test
  • Other groups are not screened due to lower risks in women and younger people

You can read all about AAA screening on the NHS website here.  This includes an explanation of the different results you might receive. If you are concerned about a family history of this condition then you can speak to your GP to see if a scan can be arranged outside the screening programme.

If you do not receive an invitation or are male and over 65 and did not receive a screening test then you can phone

02381 206279 to enquire. If they ask for a reference number this is your NHS number but don't worry if you don't know yours, they will look it up.

Diabetic Eye Screening

  • All those with Diabetes should be invited by post for screening photos of their eyes
  • Screening takes place at various locations locally
  • Normally annual but if all is normal the test may be less often

Locally Diabetic eye screening is run by the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Diabetic Eye Screening Programme.  You can visit their website here which has lots of useful information.  You should receive appointment invitations by letter.  If you have any queries you can phone them directly on 01983 898 700. You can also book, change appointments and review your results online.

NHS Health Checks

  • Available every 5 years from the age of 40
  • Book at your own GP surgery
  • Check up with a Nurse or Health Care Assistant following a blood test
  • Not for those who already have a long term condition

This programme is designed to identify those at increased risk of stroke, kidney disease, heart disease, type 2 diabetes or dementia. By picking up issues early your risk of future health problems can be reduced.

You can read about the NHS Health Check programme on the NHS website here.  This details who is eligible.

Reduce your risk of Type 2 Diabetes

You may be able to self-refer to the Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Programme after working out your risk of Type 2 Diabetes.  If you have had an Hba1c result of 42-47 within the last 2 years and have not already been referred than you can be referred without going through this process.  Email your surgery to request a referral. This programme is available to those aged 18-79.

Once you know your risk score visit the Healthier You site where you can do a self-referral if you are at increased risk.  You will be asked to enter your risk score as part of this process. Alternatively why not try a lower carb diet which you can do yourself.

Step 1.

Click on the above image to be taken to the risk calculator.  Write down your risk.

Step 2.

Click on the above image to do the self referral using your risk score.