Type 2 Diabetes Remission


Do you use any medication for your Type 2 Diabetes currently apart from Metformin?

These might include:

  • Insulin  (including Xultophy)
  • Sulphonylurea (Gliclazide, Glimepiride, Gilbenclamide, Glipizide or Tolbutamide)
  • SGLT2 inhibitor (Dapaglifozin, Empaglifozin, Canaglifozin, Ertuglofizin)


The medication you are taking has the possibility of causing your sugar levels to go too low (hypoglycaemia) or cause other issues which could be harmful when using a low calorie/very low carbohydrate diet. You should discuss with your practice nurse or GP before making any significant change to your diet as changes to your medication will likely need to be made.

This website does not provide personal medical advice.

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